The Ph.D. defense of Sergio Bernabé: «Efficient Algorithms for Information Retrieval from Remote Sensing Images»

Last January, the Ph.D. defense of Sergio Bernabé was carried out, which arises from an international agreement between the universities of Iceland and Extremadura to promote collaboration among experts from these universities in the area of ​​Remote Sensing. The Ph.D. title matches with this blog post.

The doctoral student along the development of his Ph.D. has held three stays at the University of Iceland, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.


The dissertation presents a comparison of the use of different parallel architectures to solve the problem of spectral unmixing with demixing or the following steps: 1) automatic estimation of the number of endmembers, 2) identification, and 3) estimate the abundance of each endmember in each pixel of the image.

From this Ph.D. 7 articles have been published in journals with a relavance impact factor JCR (first quartile) before submitting it.

One of these mentioned articles describes the integration of the techniques previously developed an information system for classification of images obtained by satellite or airborne Remote Sensing earth observation. The initial design as a desktop application has been improved following the use of a remote server using web technologies is available to any user in the Ceta-CIEMAT (Trujillo):

Previously, you must register to access this application.

This Ph.D. was directed by Antonio Plaza (Computer Architecture area), Pablo Gª Rodríguez (Languages ​​and Computer Systems area) and Jón Atli Benediktsson (Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Iceland).

The tribunal of the Ph.D. was composed of José Manuel Cotos (University of Santiago de Compostela), Paolo Gamba (University of Pavia, Italy), Sebastián López (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Aurora Cuartero and Abel Paz (University of Extremadura).




For more information click here:

The next day, on Tuesday January 20, 2014, Inma Gª Dopido also defended her Ph.D. entitled «New techniques for hyperspectral image classification» and directed by Antonio Plaza:

On Friday of last week Roberto Rodríguez Echeverría (January 17, 2014) also presented his Ph.D. «A Modernization Process of Web Applications to RIA» and directed by Dr. D. Pedro Clemente and D. José María Conejero. Three Ph.D. presentions submitted at least seven days at Polytechnic School in Caceres (University of Extremadura) 🙂


@pablogarguez es actualmente #Investigador y Profesor Titular de Ingeniería Informática de la Escuela Politécnica en la Universidad de Extremadura en Cáceres. Ha sido Director General de Agenda Digital de la Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Digital de la Junta de Extremadura, desde septiembre de 2019 a agosto de 2023. Fue Director de la Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres (School of Technology) de la Universidad de Extremadura durante 3 años (2017-2019), con titulaciones de grado, máster y doctorado en los campos de Ingeniería Civil, Edificación, Informática y Telecomunicaciones. Su trayectoria docente comienza en 1997 básicamente en asignaturas de Programación y de Bases de Datos. Su actividad investigadora se ha centrado en el Reconocimiento de Patrones y la Ciberseguridad. Fruto de esta labor de investigación, resaltar que es coautor de más de veinte artículos publicados en revistas internacionales indexadas en JCR, con un índice H de 12 en cuanto a las citas conseguidas por estos artículos. Actualmente tiene 3 sexenios de investigación a nivel nacional, y el último de ellos es un sexenio vivo (activo). También posee un sexenio de transferencia en la única convocatoria abierta hasta ahora por el Ministerio (2019).

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